Growth Academy's mission is to bring the Silicon Valley growth mindset to Europe and the rest of the globe. We help digital professionals to identify and solve growth problems in a systematic way. Our growth strategy approach combines multiple disciplines such as digital marketing, product management, and data analytics. Our program includes insights, strategies, and frameworks applied at industry leading companies such as Google, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, Skyscanner, ImmoScout24, Zalando, and more.
Growth Academy is led by Nikolas Vogt, founder and CEO of Growth Academy. In previous roles, he was a Global Growth Lead for Google Assistant helping to grow its user base from 0 to 500MM mobile users. Prior to that, he led growth and product marketing for Google Zukunftswerkstatt and advised leading online retailers and start-ups on their growth strategies. He also was a guest speaker at Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley.